Cau Dat Coffee – The Best Arabica Ingredients In Vietnam

Vietnam is a country which is famous for growing and exporting Robusta. It’s the second largest output in the world after Brazil (Vietnam – 1.78 million tons compared with Brazil 3.36 million tons in 2016 figures). Meanwhile, for Arabica, the coffee variety is considered to have the best quality in the world (compared with Robusta), the Vietnamese name is hardly known. However, few people know that in Vietnam, there is still a place located on the highlands, where is known as the paradise of the Arabica variety: Cau Dat – Da Lat (Lam Dong).

1. Cau Dat – Da Lat, the name will soon be known all over the world

Cau Dat is far from the center of Da Lat, Lam Dong 25km to the Southeast, in the famous Highlands of Vietnam. Thanks to the advantages of high altitude and perfect climatic conditions for coffee, Cau Dat coffee produces very high quality and rich in flavor. Located at an ideal height, on average from 1450 to 1650 meters above sea level, the temperature amplitude of the year here ranges from 5 degrees coldest and the highest does not exceed 33 degrees. Combined with soil  which is fertile basalt soil, Cau Dat – Da Lat has 3 golden conditions to be the perfect land for Arabica. Famous varieties of delicious Arabica such as: Typica, Bourbon and especially Catimor with very high yields.

2. The golden advantages Cau Dat – Da Lat possesses

Cau Dat has a total coffee growing area of ​​about 1,500 hectares, accounting for 86% of the agricultural area here. In particular, the coffee growing area accounts for 98%. The Arabica coffee seeds grown here are especially well adapted to the climate and rarely affected by pests and diseases. Each hectare of coffee collected 10-18 tons of fresh coffee, equivalent to 4 tons of coffee beansCoffee yields are much higher than with other seeds.

3. Unforgettable rich flavor

Arabica coffee from Cau Dat is outstanding by a combination of elegant acidity and mild bitterness. Rich coffee aroma and harmony with the combination of fresh fruit, honey sweet taste. Described as the pristine taste of a Sunday morning, users will never forget Cau Dat coffee once they have tried it once. The coffee here is absolutely comparable with the best coffees in the world.
In 2016, Starbucks Coffee – a famous worldwide coffee brand, chose Arabica Cau Dat – Da Lat as one of 7 types of coffee to put into the global supply chain.

4. Cau Dat Farm supplies Gu Moc coffee with stable quality from Cau Dat – Da Lat raw ingredients

Proudly owning the best ingredients in Vietnam, Cau Dat Farm has the desire to provide the market with the best coffee products, to meet the demand for clean Vietnamese coffee, with the right rustic taste for coffee connoisseurs across the country,

Cau Dat Farm was built and combined with a strict quality control process to ensure coffee is always STABLE. Because the stability in the GOOD TASTE flavor is the most important requirement of our customers who prefer to drink coffee, we make it the quality standard for our products.
